World Peace

The regular subway row holds about 6 average size people. Some people are bigger some smaller. It should hold about six people. What bothers me is when people take more than their share. When they sit in a way that takes up more than their allotted share?

We've all seen it. The lady with all her packages spread out everywhere. The kid sleeping across the bench. The guy with his legs so spread out it's impossible to squeeze in. The homeless man that makes the entire car impossible to stand in.

This is not a communistic message. I am not saying that we should all have the  same thing. But we do all have an obligation to humanity. We are supposed to work to rectify the world. We have to make room for others.

The wealthy man is given the money so he has the opportunity to give charity. We are given talents to use them to better the world.

Yes we must take care of ourselves but we are not be self absorbed. We are supposed to notice the ones around. Provide help as much as we can to those around us.

When I was in seminary we used to have apple break. A break in the morning when we would get apples. Simple enough. One of our teachers shared something with us that I still remember. He said- just because you got there first why does that give you the right to take the best apple? Why does the guy who gets there last deserve the wormy apple?
Why is it that because you got on the bus/train at an earlier stop your the one who gets the seat?

We all share this planet. Let's make sure we remember that

PSA- don't litter


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