Age Old Question

Which came first the chicken or the egg?

Are bloggers born or cultivated?

I was sitting on my front step as i usually do in the mornings and i watch while i study. I observe. I see the spot where every single dog stops..till their owner pulls them away. I have a running commentary in my head.
I always have a running commentary. On the subway. While I'm trying to fall asleep; all the things i don't say...

and i was wondering, was i always like this? I know that i have a tendency to over-analyze. I don't know if i was born like this, or something that i have cultivated? Does blogging stimulate or "exacerbate" my need to comment on everything that i see? Or are we bloggers born with this urge to comment, analyze, dissect and share and (or wordpress) simply give us an outlet.

Another thing i have been wondering about-what is with this explosion of ways to announce what i am thinking? First it was email status, FB, twitter, signature lines, google+..etc..there are an insane number of ways to announce to potentially thousands of people exactly what is it that i am thinking at this precise moment! it used to be that people kept things to themselves. some people still do. but where did this need to share and announce come from?

Often, when i am going through something difficult, once i get it down and post it..just that act is cathartic. I have tried just keeping it to myself..saving it in my drafts..eventually i feel better..but with posting its almost immediate gratification. I feel better as soon as i press the "publish" button. Of course i have analyzed this as well and i think that its due to the fact that once its out there...i get validation. Kinda why we love comments. It means someone else has read what you say, and can relate. Your feelings, my feelings are real and serve some purpose.

they say that the greatness of steve jobs was that he he told us what we needed before we knew what it was. is that was has happened with social networking? with blogging? the need to share? would we be just as happy simply writing in our journals? or would we still have that urge to provide commentary? would we still want others to read and comment on our words?

so the question remains..chicken or the egg?


  1. I also have a running commentary in my head! Always! "She stepped onto the sidewalk, and for some childish reason avoided stepping on the cracks."

    Under a few good teachers in school I realized that I'm a writer. I've always enjoyed it. And since I don't write professionally, blogging was just a matter of time.

    What I find interesting was that after I started blogging, my conversation has become more intellectual than before. I totally overanalyze as well, so blogging allows me to think . . . well, better. Clearer.

  2. :)

    Its true, blogging helps me organize my thoughts and get myself sorted. My sister always tells me i should be a i think blogging is as far as i get.


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