Ya-it is hard

Today is day three of vacation. No school. I can sleep in late and not feel guilty. I was recently complaining to just about everyone how desperately i needed a vacation. G-d answered. Baruch Hashem i was not really hit by Sandy's wrath. The sun is shining, the birds are chirping and its finally legit cold. I can break out the boots, the scarves and the hats :) That makes me happy.

I know that my posts lately have been a little depressing you could say. I have gotten a few worried emails. Life is hard. School is hard. That is the way its suppose to be. No one ever pretends that life will be easy. Its a fight. Against ourselves; our emotions, our habits, against inertia. Making the right choice, deciding what is exactly the right choice in that moment, deciding to continue making the right choice when its not really what you want is difficult to say the least.

The key to making it in this crazy messed up world is to surround you with people you love you, support you and maybe provide you with positive peer pressure to help you maintain your standards.
Sometimes we are lucky enough to have that and it makes it much easier to tread through the murkiness of life. And sometimes we don't  and its harder. to say the least. The test is different then. You have to approach things differently. You grow in a unique way that can only happen when you fight your own fight without any one's support.

the cliche mashal is that of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly.

you cannot help the butterfly out of the cocoon otherwise it wont properly develop the strength in his wings and he will be defective. He will never fly.

I've always been surrounded thank Gd by those who love me, support me and guide me. Now I'm alone. I'm coming out of my "cocoon." Its hard. Its painful. But that's what I need. That's the way its supposed to be.


  1. :) And sometimes "helping" the Caterpillar is actually hurting him...though a big part of self-growth is something that only the person can do, we don't have to shut people out...

    It reminds me of Harry, where Voldermort on purpose makes him feel like he cannot rely or trust or open up to anybody, and he ends up realizing that he does need people and he doesn't have to do everything alone...

    There are times to be alone and there are things that no one else can do for you, even as much as the person that loves you wants to help you...

    Rabbi Twerski explains with it a lobster-mashal: "Lobsters are confined within a rigid shell. As the lobster grows, the shell becomes too confining and oppressive. It then sheds its shell and grows a more spacious one. As the lobster continues to grow, each new shell eventually becomes oppressive, leading to the formation of a larger one. The stimulus that enables the lobster to grow is the discomfort it feels when its shell becomes oppressive. If the lobster would not feel discomfort, it would remain forever tiny." (http://jewishworldreview.com/twerski/twerski_vayeilech.php3)


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