Religious Bombardment

Lately I feel like i have been bombarded with religious advertising. Pandora keeps playing this ad for a church in the city...and on the other end..i've been running into Mormon advertising everywhere. The worst was when i saw an ad for Scientology on the subway.

Its kinda like the endless advertising for the online schools, the ones that just pop up overnight promising you a career in the allied health sciences etc...

just gets me frustrated. If you were really that wouldn't need to advertise. when was the last time you saw an ad for Harvard? Princeton?

Who falls for that?


  1. Ugh, I hate Scientology.

    I thought the same thing for the longest time and am still extremely cynical (and generally unaffected) by ads. But aside from advertising to get people to buy your product who are aware of it, there's also the advertising to get their name out there. New online schools are popping up all over the place. Many of them don't have the greatest reputation, so the news one inform people that they're filling a necessary void.

    As well, Harvard and Princeton have reputations large enough to not need advertising. Everyone's heard of them, and anyone who it's applicable for (students), will know if it's a viable option for them. They don't want to advertise because they don't want hundreds of thousands of applicants. Online schools do want those applications because they often don't care about your prior grades.

    But for some ridiculous reason, far be it from me to explain how or why, advertising works. Crazy, I know.

    1. Religious Advertisement really bugs nothing sacred anymore?

    2. It's been going on for thousands of years, but manifesting itself in different ways. It used to be, and still is in many places, with the medium of actual people, i.e. missionaries, but nowadays, they're lazy. By using catchphrases and flashy pictures, they have people come to them as opposed to going out and finding them.

      The times when I do bump into missionaries, at train stations and the like, I'm tempted to take stacks of their material so I can burn it, but I think it would be a chillul Hashem to even accept their stuff in a public place.


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