up and down

What goes up must come down.

My ego went up and came crashing down about a week later.

Its the circle of life. The tzaadik falls seven times and he gets up again. The waves keep crashing against us, trying to knock us down as we try to progress. The waves are powerful, crushing at times. There are times when we just cant stand up against them anymore.

Life gets too hard, things get too stressful, we get too tired. We just want to just sit on the couch and veg out. and sometimes that is precisely what we need. and it helps.

Purim just passed. I heard an idea about purim that piqued my interest.

We say that we are supposed to drink till we say "baruch haman arur moredechai." blessed is haman cursed is mordechai. This kinda seems hard to understand. I have seen some guys uber drunk and even then they know that modechai is blessed and haman is the cursed one.

So, I what i heard is the following. We all do things that in retrospect we are proud of and things that we are maybe not so much proud of. Good choices and bad choices..we all make both.

We are only human. We don't always completely regret our not so good choices. It was fun after all. I had a good time, it was not thaaaat bad...
baruch haman....

the time you had actual kavana when davening and that made you late for your train, the money you spent on pesach, the time you took to help your mother when you needed to study..its all bittersweet and when we think about it, we regret doing the right thing.
...arur mordechai. 

On purim we are supposed to drink. Drink enough that we get introspective. Look inside and take an honest look at ourselves. Reallly, really, honestly, deeply look into ourselves and our intentions. We can be honest enough to say- you know im not really so bothered by the fact that i did X or that even though i know it was probably the "right" thing to do...im kinda upset that i did Y.

Life is busy, crazy, confusing, numbing, exciting, scary...and many more adjectives. Jubilant! It can be Jubilant too!We don't have the time, the luxury to indulge in thinking too much about our inner workings and motivations. We're too busy just trying to survive let alone delve into the inner workings of our minds.

We cannot be too harsh on ourselves. Our motivations will not always the best. Our choices not always top notch. But it is not healthy to dwell on these things. We only get one day a year when that is the focus-purim. Beyond that, we are too make the best of our lives that we can. If we make mistakes we brush ourselves off, do teshuva and move on.

Its all about pushing forward, when all you want to do is let the wave knock you down and stay down.

Some days will be easier, and some days..well some days you are just too darn tired to fight.

may we have more of the former and none of the latter


  1. Wow, this is such a good thought! I love the way you explained it so clearly and made it so easy to understand. It's so true. There are plenty of times we look back at the good we did with a twinge of regret because we see it came at the expense of something else...or the times although we know something is not the right thing to do we do it anyway because we enjoy doing it. I love this message!

    Thank you so much for such a great post.
    You couldn't have said it better. Its all about pushing forward, when all you want to do is let the wave knock you down and stay down.
    That is such a good line.

    Wishing you all the strength you need to pick yourself up every time you fall...

    1. thanks! amen and to you too! I heard it from Rabbi Wallerstein, i forget who his source was

  2. We are only human. We don't always completely regret our not so good choices. It was fun after all. I had a good time, it was not thaaaat bad...
    baruch haman....

    the time you had actual kavana when davening and that made you late for your train, the money you spent on pesach, the time you took to help your mother when you needed to study..its all bittersweet and when we think about it, we regret doing the right thing.
    ...arur mordechai.

    Wow. That's an amazing way of understanding it. The entire post is inspiring, but that bit really struck a chord.


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