Holy and Separate

" He can tell you where to dig and what to dig for but the digging you must do for yourself "

I always loved this line from Matisyahu's song
We spend a lot of our lives lost not sure where we are going what we are doing..well I can only talk for myself..I am often unsure about my path my direction my life.

Where am I going what am i doing..why am I here..how can I possibly contribute to the world...how can I make a difference?

I often think about the concept of Kedusha..what is it? Is it possible for me in 2013 living in a world that gets cruder, crasser, and more delinquent with every passing moment...with all that is Kedusha even on my radar? Is it even possible?

The word Kedusha in itself is a bit of a contradiction. The literal translation of the word means to separate. Yet under the chupa the chatan says to his Kalla " את מקודשת לי״ you are " kadosh" to me - you are separate to me. The moment of ultimate connection is delineated by separation. Through the separation she is connected to him.

We are called " a kingdom of priests a holy nation" our actual essence is holiness. It is what separates us from the rest of the peoples of the world. We ARE holy.  We must by definition be separate. Yes we work and integrate into the world around us..we take the train, we vote, we work, we do a lot of the same things ..but we still have to be separate. We must hold ourselves differently, talk differently, walk differently..tho we are the same we must still be different- separate.

Only them can we connect.. 

We must separate to connect. 


  1. I love Matisyahu. "Searchin" was also one of the theme songs of FIFA 13.

    There is a basic concept of "the sacred and the profane," and it appears in many cultures. "Profane" doesn't mean in the current sense, merely the connotation of "everyday." They are listed as separate entities because they are separate.

    As for your observation that the world is inordinately crude, it is actually much better than it used to be. The civilized world has shunned the very base acts that used to be all too prevalent—as an example, that story about the girls and boys on the ship after the churban? They weren't being sent there to be simply household slaves. Today the US, as an international superpower (the way Rome was once) would never do that. What is crass? Some curse words and Miley Cyrus losing her good-girl image? Believe me, matters used to be MUCH more shocking.

    But, in any case, your original point of separate is very true. After thousands of years in exile, we seemed to have managed that delicate balance.


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