This is it

I clearly have forgotten the importance of regular blogging.

Truth is that my computer has been..let just has not been cooperating, thus making it difficult to blog, or do most anything related to the 21st century.

So quick recap, I am in my 4th semester of PA school 2.0, I am currently working also! AHHH! which makes my life a little bit crazy, because I wake up at 645 every morning and get home between 9:30 and 10:00 at night. Shabbat is my only day off because I go to school Sun-Thur and work Mon-Fri.

So, its Erev Yom Kippur, Erev Shabbat, the holiest day of the year. It all comes down to this. This is the moment when we are at our holiest and our cleanest. Wearing all white, completely separating from the physical. Not a word coming out of my mouth except prayer. The only one I will be speaking to is G-d for the duration of the next 25 hours.

it is a daunting task. I'm hungry just thinking about it. I'm exhausted remembering the hours and hours of standing. Freezing. ( don't forget a sweatshirt shul is always freezing on YK)

I don't think I have anything truly inspiring to say. Mostly because I am not all that inspired myself. This week was far too exhausting to do anything but survive it. I don't doubt that is part of the Yetzer Hara's plan, as it is all year long. He doesn't have to fight us, just keep us so busy, fatigue us to the extent that we just cant stand up anymore. If we cant summon the energy to move forward, gravity will naturally bring us down. He just has us running in circles, and then just sits back and watches. its just too easy.

So I'm packing it in last minute. watch that shiur, going through my phone seeing who I have to apologize to.

So my one piece of "advice" if you wanna call it that...take on a Taanit Dibbur. Refrain from speaking to anyone but G-d. I started doing this a few years ago and really it transforms your prayer! Transforms your day! Obviously, if one has children or a family this isn't really possible, But if you can, really is an incredible feeling.

and the last thing: I'd like to take this moment to ask mechila if anything i said or didn't say offended anyone or hurt you. It was never my intention and if i did so i am truly sorry.

Shana Tova Gmar Chativa V'Chatima Tova
May we all be truly inspired and focused and have an easy meaningful fast, filled with connection and true repentance.



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