Just ...can't

This is precisely what I've felt like all week! 
It all started out on Sunday, well really Friday but that was last week, so ill focus on this week. 
Sunday..all i wanted to do was come home from school, crash, grab a beer and just veg out...but I was in dire need to go grocery shopping. and by dire i mean dire!
as i left the parking lot, i managed to somehow back into a huge 
this left the car i was driving severely dented. Mind you this was not my car, but a family in my area who has taken me in as their own. oh, and their daughter is getting married in a few weeks. 
and it turns out..the repair on the car...drum roll please...

that was Sunday. 

The rest of the week wasn't as dramatic. Just the run of the mill underlying drama that comes with being friends with girls. and the insanity that is work right now because our BIG EVENT OF THE  YEAR is on Sunday as in three days Sunday.. 

Oh and my teachers are ridiculous and my roommate is insane! she has it out for me and i cannot for the life of me figure it out. oh and the icing on the cake...
and the 

i came home yesterday completely and utterly shattered...to find out that we have been graced with a 
$100 recycling ticket! 

not only do i not have money for that...my bi-polar roomie seems to think that its my fault...we all know you cant reason with crazy...

anyways..that's my life in a nutshell at the moment 

How Much Can You Just Not Even Right Now?

take the quiz and let me know how you fared..because i clearly just cant 
  1. You got: You really just can’t even

    Oh wow. You literally can’t. Even some days when you think you can, you end up just not being able to even. Don’t worry, this is very common. Especially on Mondays, and when it rains, and when puppies appear, and… well, pretty much always.


  1. The thing I took from this post was "Wow, a frum girl who drinks beer!!!!!!". If its not already there, you should totally add "Beer Aficionado" to your shidduch resume. It will make it that much more attractive :-)

    And yes, a good IPA can make nearly any day feel that much better.

  2. you'd be surprised. its not as rare as you think ;)

    1. Really? I gotta meet some! Where do these (in my experience rare) creatures typically lurk?

    2. They live among you, you see them in the streets, pass by them in the supermarket, in shul...

    3. Wow. To think I might have come into contact with them without even knowing!


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