
 So today is my last day, last day solo ( in a foreign country), last day in paradise - though it has been raining all last night and so far this morning. 

I thought i would have profound words, feelings, something powerful to say at the end of a trip like this. 

I was surprised at how comfortable I was at being alone, but then again I shouldnt be. 

I thought about her most days, thinking if she would enjoy this hike, this hotel, how she would react. How I thought i could never travel again without her. But again, I think about her most days in my regular life. 

I was not surprised at how much I hate unpacking and packing and unpacking. 

This girl I saw over shabbat ended up being on my ferry- we connected and she did the last leg of my journey with me. Israeli girl - she had so many questions about shabbat, brachot, prayers. 

I had the option of chasing waterfalls today or just staying put and enjoying my last day here, and I think I went with the right choice. Sleeping in late ( till 6) having a slow easy morning, reflecting, coffee and fresh fruit on the beach...

I met so many expats who came here on vacation and fell in love and stayed. Yesterday a woman from MA who came, started working as a yoga instructor and has been here for 16 years. A couple from California who moved here 20 years ago. The Italian woman who traveled the whole world solo and decided that this is where her happiness is. 

When I meet people like that I often wonder if I could do that. I mean obviously due to kosher reasons i cannot. I tell people that one day I will run away as an expat to Bali, start a coffee shop like everyone else and just live the chill life. But I wonder if I would be able to build a community for myself. In NY, my friends and community were built via other people. I just kind of tagged along. But every once in while I find myself finding my own friends and im like- wow- I can do this too! 

I wonder if I would be ok, just living as a nomad. I think really the only hard part would be shabbat. and I wonder how long I would keep it. Even last shabbat, there was maybe 30 mins left and I was sad, hormonal, crying, missing her, and I was like- GD will understand if i just stop here, I did enough. And that was just two weeks of being alone for shabbat. What would week after week after week look like? 

Id like to say that i had some huge meaningful moment. But really this whole trip was just a big - WOW GD the world that YOU created. The pura vida life style is something that i think we can all integrate into our lives. I even have the sticker :) 

i will not miss the bugs. 


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