its shocking really
so as usual, i have no idea what to talk about, but as i start to brainstorm i start to think of a few things..ill type em up and see where it goes.. so we'll start with tues.. so tuesday was the first day of yoga bootcfamp..yes thats right u read that correcty, i - an avid kick boxer has given in to yoga..y u ask? well its not with absoplute joy and excitemnent as regular boot camp. but as previously mentioned i have tendinitis and cannot do regular bootcamp so i have grudgingly decided that maybe i shud go for a change in pace..i even went out and bought yoga pants and came tues morn -630 am i was standing in teh gym with my mat reday to partake of the yoga practice (thats what its really called) and as teh new age music fills the room, im feeling my years of pent up cynicism for yoga spill out..but i try to control myself..ur gonna do saidf ur gonna do something new..and just i grinned and bore it..then wedneday morn..i woke up agian..yet somehow i cudnt con...